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Crow Seat Belt >> Restraint Installation Instructions
Racing Seat Belt / Off-Road Restraint Installation Tips
Use the following guide for installation of your racing or offroad seatbelts. Safely enjoy your motorsports RJS, Racequip or Crow seat belts.
1. Lap Belt The lap seat belt must be anchored directly to the frame rail or to the roll cage as close to the hip as possible at an angle of 45 degrees, but no greater than 60 degrees to horizontal (the ground). Spacing between the two lap belt anchor points should be approximately 15 inches to 25 inches apart.
2. 5-Point Seat Belt Anti-Submarine Belt (Sub-Belt) should be anchored slightly behind the chest line as measured from the intersection of the chest line and the lap belt buckle. Dual and 6-Way Dual sub-belts mounts should be approximately 8 to 12 inches apart (approximately located under each hip and as close to the body as possible).
Mounting Brackets
Mounting brackets should be installed at an angle that iscompatible with the direction of pull on the webbing under full load. Preferred mount is in aa double shear with allowance for the bolt-in bracket to pivot and align toward the direction of the load as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 and Figure 2All mounting brackets should be attached directly to the frame or chassis of the car and installed to limit the driver's body travel both upward and forward. Do not weld around or near belts or belt hardware.
Minimum specification for bolts and washers to attach the seat belts, harnesses and anti-submarine belt hardware are Grade 8.
How to Loop Seat Belt End Through 3-Bar Slide
"Locking" the 3-bar slide adjuster shown in Steps 1 through 4 is
Very Important. The 3-bar slide adjuster must be located as close as possible to the bolt-in bracket or roll bar (In wrap around design).